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Blog publish date is 20/12/2023 News

New tools for venues and public spaces considering security requirements

Venues and public spaces comprise of any place to which the public or any section of the public has access to by right, or by expressed or implied permission, for payment or otherwise. Any venue or public space could be a potential target of a terrorist action, although locations that attract larger crowd densities are generally likely to be at higher risk than those that are less busy. Of course, a place will not necessarily be busy at all times. Crowd density can often vary during peak hours, by day or night, or during temporary events such as sporting events and open-air festivals. Any venue and public space may also be vulnerable to the impact of an indirect attack – because of proximity to neighbouring sites, areas, businesses, or other organisations that may be targeted.

It is therefore important that security is considered in relation to all venues and public spaces and an appropriate, proportionate approach is taken to mitigate security risks. The positioning of buildings relative to their environments and importantly the layout and design of the space in and around them, can make these places less vulnerable to terrorist attack. Should an attack take place, such considerations will better protect people from the impact.

Factoring appropriate and proportionate security measures into the design of buildings and spaces also brings other benefits, for example general environmental improvements and crime prevention.

NPSA and the Home Office have developed three tools to support those involved in the planning and management of venues and public spaces in considering security requirements to help protect these locations.

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