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Project ASCEND: A programme of research to understand how and why people react during terrorist incidents and to identify issues with command and control in control rooms
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14 result for "ASCEND"

MTA SG ASCEND-Improving Organisational Response

The Marauding Terrorist Attack (MTA) is an attack methodology adopted by terrorists. NPSA has a comprehensive programme of activity focused on improving protective security arrangements against MTA. O...

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Marauding Terrorist Attacks

Marauding terrorist attacks are fast-moving, violent incidents where assailants move through a location aiming to find and kill or injure as many people as possible

31/05/2022 | PDF| Web Page

Fire As A Weapon Guidance

Guidance on the mitigation of the risks associated with terrorist use of fire

25/09/2024 | Web Page

Responding To Terrorist Incidents SOP Supervisor Police Liaison

Poster for Responding To Terrorist Incidents Developing Effective Command and Control standard operating procedures SOP for Supervisor Police Liaison

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Responding To Terrorist Incidents multi-hazard threat poster

Decision making model poster for Responding To Terrorist Incidents Developing Effective Command and Control multi-hazard threat

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Making an announcement responding to a terrorist attack poster

Key considerations as to when to say it, what to say and how to say it when making announcements

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Effective Communication during a terrorist attack poster

Poster identifying communications paths and developing an incident communications plan

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Responding To Terrorist Incidents SOP CCTV Operator

Poster for Responding To Terrorist Incidents Developing Effective Command and Control standard operating procedures (SOP) for CCTV Operators

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Contacting the police reporting a terrorist attack poster

Poster for organisations for Responding To Terrorist Incidents Developing Effective Command and Control when contacting the police

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Prioritising tasks responding to a terrorist attack

Prioritising tasks responding to a terrorist attack through important, urgent and critical tasks

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Responding to Terrorist Incidents urgent tasks in response to a terrorist attack

Poster for Responding To Terrorist Incidents Developing Effective Command and Control to Urgent tasks in response to a terrorist attack

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Responding to Terrorist Incidents - Supplementary Guidance - Communication Technology

This document provides guidance about the different systems that can be used to improve communications within and between organisations and businesses responding to terrorist incident

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