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CSE Frequently Asked Questions

Last Updated 02 July 2024

1. What does NPSA approved mean?

NPSA approved means a product has been evaluated against specific NPSA security standards and a performance rating achieved. These products then feature in the Catalogue of Security Equipment (CSE).

2. What products can be NPSA approved?

NPSA does not accept all product types for the catalogue. To see which products we are interested in please go to our product submission process page.

3. We are looking to test our product. Can NPSA help us with this?

Depending on the product, NPSA may be able to contribute funding to the evaluation of the product or support you through the process and the engagement with a relevant test house. 
If the product has a successful evaluation NPSA would consider inclusion into the Catalogue of Security Equipment.
Please go to our product submission process page to see what products we would be interested in.

4. What is the process to get my product NPSA approved?

Please refer to the product submission process page to see what products we are interested in and next steps.

5. My product is not currently being assessed by NPSA, is there anything more I can do?

NPSA has to prioritise its funding and resource, and is not a test house, so is therefore unable to offer NPSA assurance on every product. Testing and inclusion of any products in the Catalogue is at the sole and absolute discretion of NPSA.

On occasions we do put a calling notice out on our public website for manufacturers to supply their products if they feel that can achieve a performance rating against NPSA standards. We do this, when we have identified a gap in the market and is based on our established NPSA contacts requirements.

If you would like one of your products to be considered, typically we would require one/or more of our established NPSA contacts to be a sponsor and explain to us why they want your product evaluated. If NPSA is happy with the rationale, then engagement would begin. 

When a test window opens, it will be for a limited period and NPSA will not consider products submitted for testing outside of that window.

6. We would like to register our commercially approved product with NPSA. How do we do this?

Testing and inclusion of any products in the Catalogue is at the sole and absolute discretion of NPSA.

Please go to our product submission process page to see what products we would be interested in.

 If the product has a successful evaluation NPSA would consider inclusion into the Catalogue of Security Equipment.

7. We are looking to amend the design of a previously approved NPSA product. What impact will this have?

Amending the design NPSA articulated and previously approved, means that the new version is not NPSA approved.  If you continue with the design the risk is with yourselves and those you are working for.

8. With the rebranding to NPSA, are we still allowed to use the CPNI logo on our approved products?

For those products which carried the CPNI logo, these can be updated to show the new NPSA logo. The logo can only be used pursuant to the terms of the Trademark Agreement. For access to the logos or more information on the Trademark Agreement, please email [email protected].

9. Your website says you are no longer assessing the product type I would like to get approved. Is there any indication or calendar of when you would be assessing products of this type again?

Testing and inclusion of any products in the Catalogue is at the sole and absolute discretion of NPSA.

Please keep an eye on our website and product submission pages for updated information.  

When a test window opens, it will be for a limited period and NPSA will not consider products submitted for testing outside of that window.

10. A product I am looking for does not feature in the NPSA Catalogue of Security Equipment (CSE). Please can you advise why?

Testing and inclusion of any products in the Catalogue is at the sole and absolute discretion of NPSA. There could be a number of reasons a product is not listed in the CSE. These include:

  • NPSA is not satisfied a product is appropriate for inclusion in the Catalogue 
  • the maximum number of products for each category has been reached;
  • the product does not meet NPSA’s criteria;
  • NPSA has not received the necessary information from the test house to assess it for entry into the CSE;
  • NPSA is not satisfied with a products performance to grant it entry to the CSE.

11. I would like to purchase one of the products advertised in your catalogue. Please can you advise of the cost and further details?

NPSA does not sell the products, please contact the manufacturer directly. Manufacturers details can be found on the product page.

12. Protection and CLASS - What's the difference and how does it relate to products?

The NPSA Product Grading Systems page and guidance document provides more information on CLASS and Protection. 

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