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Jewers Doors Ltd

Jewers “Warrior” Sliding Hangar Door

Category: Doors, Portals, Turnstiles and Locking Hardware

Sub Category: Hangar Doors

Jewers “Warrior” Sliding Hangar Door


The doors can either be manually hand-cranked or power operated.

The Warrior sliding hangar door can be designed to suit openings of any width and up to 80 metres in height.

They are fully weather-sealed and are available with any a wide range of cladding systems to suit the environment.

The door can be configured as single doors leaves on single tracks or as multiple door leaves travelling on multiple tracks opening within the aperture or into door pockets adjacent to the opening.

Product Updates

07/08/2023 Protection level removed as tested to PBAS (Physical Barrier Attack Standard) not MFES.
07/08/2023 Product removed as this was tested to the old Forced Entry standard and not to the current MFES standard.