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Plan Ahead

Avoid being predictable. Protect yourself and your family online, at home and on the move. Know how to get away from danger.

Last Updated 15 April 2024


Introducing a range of security measures is likely to make a significant contribution to protecting you and the people around you. This guidance will help you to consider and decide which measures you should introduce.

The measures that you decide to introduce are your responsibility. You should ensure that they are appropriate, proportionate and properly implemented.

The measures may include:

  • Physical security 
  • Personnel security
  • Information and cyber security
  • Emergency response plans.

Some will be quick, simple and of little or no cost to implement. Others will take longer, be more complex and involve higher cost. 

Areas to consider

You should consider measures to protect yourself in your daily activities. The areas to focus on have been broken down as shown below. Click on the links to find more information in relation to each area.

Guidance Protect yourself and your family by improving the security at your home.
Guidance Protect yourself when you are travelling, working or at events.
Guidance Protect your personal information to reduce the opportunity for people to target you.
Guidance Protect sensitive information about your activities and people connected to you.
Guidance Prepare to respond to incidents that may take place either at home or when you are elsewhere.
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